Monday, July 30, 2012

Walking is a simple, safe way to exercise

Walking is a simple, safe way to exercise and an easy gateway exercise for those who would like to exercise more, but don't know where to begin. According to the Texas AgriLife Extension, walking lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels and raises "good" cholesterol, while helping you to manage your weight and stay strong, fit and think positively. While adding hand weights to an established routine seems logical, there are unforeseen health consequences, and more sensible alternatives. Why Use Hand Weights? Many people incorporate hand weights into their walking workout under the assumption that it will burn more calories and tone their arms at the same time. The idea is that carrying weights while you swing your arms will create enough resistance to tone the muscles in your arms while your legs are toned through walking. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/453259-the-use-of-hand-weights-while-walking/#ixzzG3n7WKUmL

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