Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can money buy happiness and love?

Yes, money can buy happiness and love. A little strange but true. Everyone would agree that personal happiness isn't purchased like a dozen eggs or a loaf of bread at the corner grocery store, but, if our daily lives are based on a certain amount of personal income, then money could have a direct impact on our happiness.
For an example, let's take marriage as an institution and observe the interaction of money and happiness. First, we know that the divorce rate in America hovers around 50 percent. Secondly, the American Bar Association has indicated that 89 percent of all divorces can be traced back to quarrels and accusations over money. We may conclude that the high failure rate is due to the contention that arises from the mishandling of money. Note, it's not the money that's the culprit but the management of it. The question then becomes, how can a couple better manage their monetary resources to insure success, i.e. happiness?

This article is not about the causes of failure or the guilt associated with over spending, but about the success that can be achieved by two marvelous principles that will find more money in a budget than anyone ever thought possible. And through the use of these two principles, any family can find a way to keep their spending in-check while enjoying their life together.
The Law of Raises:
Whether you're starting a new job or in the middle of a promising career, from now on, every time your employer gives you a raise, put half of it in your pocket to spend and the other half into a savings account via direct deposit from your paycheck. After all, it's free money that you didn't have before, and direct deposit handles it automatically sight unseen.
The newly acquired savings account is strictly for emergencies, birthdays, Christmas,Eids,Ramadhani,Mulidi… and vacations. A car repair is an emergency, a hand-held music device is not, it's a Christmas gift. Not a gift that you fool yourself into taking early, like in September, which goes unremembered by the time the holiday season rolls around.
There's a certain amount of commitment and discipline in order to make this principle work. But think of it as a clear choice between a collection agency knocking on the door and that of having a prepaid Christmas,Eids,Ramadhani,Mulidi…… every year.
The Law of Paid Bills:
To understand this second principle, we need to separate the monthly bills into two categories. The first group is the house payment, food, gas, water, garbage, phone, newspaper, etc., the necessities of daily living

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